Mimi Blog
Keep up to date with what’s new in the world of Mimi – here you will find information about hearing health, Mimi-enabled partner products, industry news, product updates, and get to know the Mimi team.
Entdecke die Mimi Apps Check deine Ohren… …und personalisiere deine Musik. Initiative zum gesunden Hören Zum Welttag des Hörens am 3. März 2017 starteten die
Mimi releases two world premiers with LOEWE and beyerdynamic at IFA 2018
Today, Mimi Hearing Technologies, world leader in sound personalization and digital hearing tests, announces its partnership with Germany’s home entertainment pioneer LOEWE, and extends its partnership with premium audio leader Beyerdynamic.
Mimi Defined™ & beyerdynamic with two new ANC headphones
The new beyerdynamic headphones Blue BYRD ANC and LAGOON ANC revolutionize the wireless music experience through the unique combination of the latest active noise cancelling and with sound personalization using Mimi Defined™.
Introducing: Mimi Defined™ – Hear Every Detail
Mimi Defined™ wakes up your ears. You can hear it. You can feel it. Suddenly every detail of your favorite music sounds flawless. Voices come to life. Soft sounds gain radiance. You’ve never heard it so detailed, clear and warm.
Mimi Defined™ inside The Dash Pro from Bragi enables you to hear every detail.
The latest update to The Dash series from Bragi has arrived, and it integrates a personalized audio experience developed by Mimi Hearing Technologies.
Personalization in an industry where it’s all been done before
Personalization means the user not only engages with the product, but helps to uniquely better it.
Creating a digitalized, democratized hearing health experience
At Mimi, we’re leveraging digital tech to disrupt hearing healthcare.
Famous Musicians Who Lost Their Hearing
There are many musical maestros who’ve suffered the onset of hearing loss and staved-off the silence long enough to dazzle audiences with some of their finest works.
What the world is listening to
This month we looked into our data and asked: what are the world’s cities listening to?
Join our awesome group of testers
We’re thrilled to partner with Bragi’s Beta Ears – a first-of-its-kind hearable that autonomously measures your hearing profile and adapts to your unique hearing ability.
10 True Facts about your Hearing
Being absolutely certain of anything can feel like a chore in the post-truth era…