Mimi Chrome Extension
From the #1 hearing test app creators, this extension tunes sound to your unique hearing. By enhancing clarity and audibility, it transforms your browser audio journey. Perfect for audiophiles, those with hearing impairments, or anyone seeking richer sound when using Chrome.
Get Mimi Sound Personalization in your browser for free

Your browser audio personalized to you at low effort.
Experience the full range of frequencies and details without turning up the volume.
More immersive audio for music, movies, and games.
Login with Hearing ID
Unlock full personalization using your Mimi profile. Create a profile after a quick hearing test with our iOS Hearing Test app.
Instant Personalization
No time to test ears? No worries! Our magic algorithms, backed by over 5 million hearing profiles, will customize audio based on your age.
Shape the sound to your liking or needs using our intuitive controls. ‘Recommended’ or ‘Richer’ or ‘Softer’? The choice is in your hands.
Setting up Mimi for Chrome
Step 1
Open Chrome Web Store and add the Mimi extension to your browser. Pin it for quick access.
Step 2
Quick Start
Select your year of birth and get an age-based demographic personalization.
Step 3
Take a hearing test with our iOS Hearing Test app and create your Hearing ID, or log in with your existing Mimi profile previously created via the app.
Technology Behind the App
In a world of one-sound-fits-all, we asked, ‘What if we could make personal sound accessible for everyone?’ Mimi for Chrome was our answer!
We have taken the power of our patented testing, fitting, and audio processing technology and packed it into a sleek easy-to-use browser extension.

Mimi’s processing technology mimics the way a healthy human ear processes sound.
It conducts various nonlinear transforms on a signal. These do not resemble conventional audio signal processing techniques, used for example in a recording studio.
Through the artificial application of these techniques, Mimi’s processing creates a representation of a signal that, once processed by the listener’s ear, contains more relevant information for the brain to make sense of.
This extension may not be as stable as our main product lineup. It could also experience compatibility issues with other audio-related extensions (e.g. EQ) installed in your browser.
Explore our partner's devices with Mimi Sound Personalization
Found a bug? Got an idea? Want to ask a question?
For more information, to report an error or make a suggestion please reach us any time via support+extension@mimi.io.
The Mimi Chrome extension team is very grateful for your enthusiasm and interest in the product, and can’t wait to hear your thoughts.