Mimi Hearing Test

Advanced Hearing Screening Solution for Businesses

Seamless Integration

The Mimi hearing test provides accurate hearing assessments on Android and iOS smartphones. With seamless SDK and API integration, partners can easily incorporate the test into their platforms, ensuring smooth functionality. 

Tailored Solutions For a Range of Industries

Pure-Tone Threshold Test For Accurate Results

Hearing Test

The Pure Tone Threshold (PTT) Test measures the quietest sound a person can detect. The test takes less than 2 minutes per ear, during which the user listens to various tones at different volumes and indicates when they can hear each one.


The result of the test can be displayed as a hearing profile, showing how sensitive the user is to sounds at various frequencies. These results may be presented in various formats, including an audiogram, dB HL loss, Hearing Number (PTA4), hearing capacity, and/or hearing grade based on the latest WHO definition (2021).  Partners have the flexibility to customize the presentation of results, allowing them to align the format and style with their brand identity and specific requirements.


To achieve precise results, the characteristics of both the headphone and the smartphone need to be known. The Mimi team has calibrated all Apple headphone models, most Android smartphones, and the top-selling consumer wireless headphones on the market. The team is continuously expanding the list of supported devices to ensure accurate results across a broad range of device combinations.

A Reliable Hearing Test Ready for Immediate Integration into Android and iOS Apps

Built on years of scientific research, Mimi’s hearing test was complex to develop, relying on sophisticated algorithms and extensive validation to ensure accuracy.  Continually optimized through ongoing studies and user feedback, it provides a reliable, easy-to-use solution for assessing hearing health.

By integrating Mimi via our SDK, your app will stay up-to-date with high-quality hearing testing technology while maintaining a seamless user experience. We provide API access to retrieve test result data for visualization and storage. Mimi ensures secure, fully GDPR-compliant, and anonymized storage of health data. With our SDK, client apps retain complete control over user data storage, supporting flexible and secure data management.

Scientifically Proven, Standards-Compliant,
and Backed by Leading Medical Institutions

Experts in Hearing Testing

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Integrate the Mimi Hearing Test into your app to deliver an accurate and easy to use hearing screening tool

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