Happy World Hearing Day!
Today is a day to raise awareness of the potential risks to our hearing and promote ways in which we can use technology to prevent deafness and hearing loss all over the world. Hearing is one of the most important senses of the human body, and not just for the obvious reasons. Our ears are unique. How I hear is different from how you hear, and to how the person next to you hears. That’s because we all hear differently. And hearing is a growing concern, with 55% of the adult population suffering some form of hearing loss and the total volume of people with hearing impairment set to increase to 900 million worldwide by 2050. Due to heavy noise exposure and today’s always-on mentality, our ears barely have time to rest. We use our hearing for listening to music and podcasts, talking calls or watching movies. And we do this in places that are already loud. Talking on the phone in a busy street, or trying to understand the person on the other side of the call is challenging, and we tend to just simply turn up the volume. People on mobile devices typically consume audio content at 17% higher levels when listening in background noise. This is affecting our hearing health and is why hearing loss is a growing global problem.
When it comes to knowing how we hear, Mimi knows more than most. As a deep tech company with an in-house team of hearing scientists, Mimi invests a significant amount of its resources in research enabling the continuous learning & development of the Mimi algorithm.
Since launch, Mimi has enabled over 1.5 million users globally to test their hearing through our hearing test apps. Through this, we have created the world’s largest database of digital hearing profiles and insights into the world’s hearing trends. As a result, we know how the world hears and are able to use this data to personalize the user’s listening experience to their unique hearing ability. How’s your country’s hearing?
Top 5 countries 2020:
- Canada
- Sweden
- Austria
- Luxembourg
- Finland
Worst countries 2020:
- Saudi Arabia
- India
- Vietnam
- United Arab Emirates
- Brazil